• What's an Organization Advisor?

    Student organizations are a critical part of the collegiate experience and provide a unique opportunity for students to gain practical skills and out-of-classroom experience. An advisor is one who gives ideas, shares insight and provides different perspectives. Advisors serve to guide student organization members through the process of effectively operating an organization ( having their students submit their student org registrations, recruit, host events, make organizational changes, etc.); they do not run the organization. In addition; advisors act as confidants in both individual and organizational-related matters, provide context about the organization's history and traditions, and can be a valuable source of information. The advisory role also entails serving as a university representative in an official capacity and helping guide the organization in university policy and procedure, but also as a student advocate. 

    Serving as a student organization advisor provides faculty/staff with personal and professional development, a mentoring experience, the opportunity to make a difference at the University of North Texas and in individual student lives, assisting the university with student retention and exposure to the evolution of today's students' thought processes.

    If an org is needing an advisor, please see requirements shared under "Volunteer to be a Student Org Advisor". If your org is in need of an advisor, we have a list of faculty/staff who are interested in serving as an advisor if you cannot find one.

  • Requirements to be an Advisor
    • You must be a full-time UNT faculty or staff member, at least 22 years of age, and not pursuing an undergraduate degree at UNT, to serve in this capacity.
    • All Advisors must watch our Student Org Risk Management video then complete our Advisor Risk Management Quiz and Advisor Confirmation form.
    • Some duties of an advisor include, but are not limited to-
      • Reviewing and approving org application submissions (event applications and registrations) 
  • Volunteer to be a Student Org Advisor

    Are you a faculty or staff member looking for ways to be involved with UNT students? How about serving as an advisor to a registered student organization? You must be a full-time UNT faculty or staff member, at least 22 years of age and not pursuing an undergraduate degree at UNT, to serve in this capacity.  Submit the Volunteer to be a Student Organization Advisor form and we will use this information to match you with student organizations in need of an advisor. Student organizations may contact you to ask you to serve as their advisor. You are encouraged to meet with the organization to decide whether you would like to accept their request.

    For more information, visit studentactivities.unt.edu/orgs or contact Student Activities.

  • Searching for an Advisor?

    If you are a student org searching for an advisor, we highly advise asking a faculty/staff member you know or someone an officer or org member is familiar with. When asking folks to serve as an advisor, it's good to share what your org is, the org mission, some of the things the org does (events, service, etc.), and what you are looking for in an advisor. If you've exhausted your connections trying to find an advisor, please contact Student Activities and we may be of some assistance


Required Documents for Advisors

 Advisor Handbook  Student Organization Risk Management Training Video Advisor Risk Management Quiz  Advisor Confirmation Form